
Fostering Relationships: Light a MATCH!

When leading and motivating your team, remember the following formula for what they need to get and stay motivated over the long haul...

M - Modeled... Behavior is influenced directly by what we see modeled by those around us.

A - Appreciated... Appreciation is statiscally more important to employee performance than compensation.

T - Trained... People naturally want to perform their duties. However, they must be trained in a manner that is condusive for learning and retention. This is true in a wide swath of workplace competencies. From day-to-day technical duties to the creation and maintaining of culture.

C - Communicated with... Lack of clarity is the second highest reason why people leave their job (the first is they don't like the people they work with, specifically their boss.)

H - Heartfully encouraged... There is a place and time for cynicism, but not in leadership and not today.

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