
Masterful Communication: Marshall Goldsmith

I asked at a banking managers conference last week what they felt was the most pressing leadership/management issue they were facing in their banks. The top answer was communication issues. And specifically communication issues when dealing with growth. How do we get new people to speak our language? How do we get the veterans to upgrade their language and vision to the industry's new standards? How do we get people to communicate efficiently across the new size of our corporate landscape?

These are all valid and complicated concerns. I have many thoughts on where to start, but for a more comprehensive look at how to improve corporate communication (which is basically interpersonal communication) I wanted to turn you on to the most recent addition to my leadership library, What Got You Here Won't Get You There. I have been reading and learning from Marshall Goldsmith for a number of years. He used to write the column at the back of Fast Company (as did Seth Godin). If you are experiencing tremendous success, you need to digest this book. If you don't think you need to read this book, you need to read this book.

[Click on the label below to see all posts for that Essential...]

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