
Emotional Maturity: Finding the "NEMO" Everyday

Our little two-year old loves Finding Nemo, which is a prequisite to being a two-year old I think. However, recently she has a perplexed look on her face everytime she watches it. My wife and I recently discovered why - she sees a new movie each time because she is just now learning the english language. She is demonstrating a principle that effective leaders know and practice everyday - The NEMO principle.

"Find New, Extraordinary Meaning in Ordinary experiences."

The NEMO principle highlights certain individual's ability to take something ordinary or common and look for new meaning, new opportunities, and new approaches. This allows leaders to overcome relationship, project and time fatigue that can set in overtime. This fatigue leads to negative attitudes, loss of productivity and loss of creativity due to stress and burnout.

So, how does this principle play out in real life? Here are five ways to know if you are living out the NEMO principle...

1. You can have a disagreement with someone, resolve it and move on quickly.

2. You can wake up in the morning after a bad yesterday and have a positive attitude about today.

3. You can have a "headache project" that continues to need your attention and you revisit it each time with as much enthusiasm and vigor as when the project started.

4. You attend a training conference, begin to hear the trainer/speaker talk about an age-old topic and you search for the deeper meaning and new ways to apply old principles.

5. You approach daily, sometimes mundane tasks with enthusiasm.

How do you start living the NEMO principle? Follow my basic motivation formula - First you do it, then you feel like doing it. Just start doing it. Soon, it will become a habit. It will reap benefits in higher productivity, a refreshed vigor for dealing with daily tasks and difficult projects and people and it is a sure-fire way to get and maintain a positive attitude.

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