
Goal Processing: Resolution Help...

As you are working on setting your '08 goals, priorities and resolutions, review the 17 Goal Processing posts from the PLI blog in 2007.

2007 Goal Processing Posts

A few highlights...

  • When you start telling yourself you can't do something, flip it into a positive and shorten it.
  • Keep commitments to yourself first.
  • As you reach for your personal and professional goals, a powerful question to ask yourself is this, "For what am I willing to sacrifice average?"
  • How does leadership fit into your goals?
  • Your job as a leader is to step back and look at where you and your team have your focus - is it on unchangeable conditions or solvable causes?
  • God grant me... Processed Goals to live purposefully.
  • If you can't be excellent at IT, don't be IT at all.
  • You not only need to write down your goals, but you also need to write down the benefit of reaching each goal. Keeping your eye on your goal is important. Keeping your eye on the outcome of reaching your goal is more important.

1 comment:

  1. Rhett --
    Great stuff. I'm pumped up about making my goals for 08. Great reminders: leadership; excellence; God; sacrifice; written goals. Got it. Looking forward to a great year! Hooah!
