
Teaching PLI: A Few Simple Leadership Truths

Six Simple Leadership Truths

1. The best leadership truths are as simple to say as they are complex to do.

2. Any person in a position of power should hold an inborn fondness for the complete well-being of the people they are called to lead.

3. The most effective leaders find out what their people need to be successful and help them get there.

4. You can't get an accurate diagnosis of your leadership effectiveness until you ask the people you are leading how you are doing.

5. In the workplace, the best leaders are trusted by their team, help their team have pride in their work and help everyone enjoy one another.

6. Your role as a leader is separate, but not wholly separated from your primary job role.

Processing Questions for PLI Curriculum Teachers/Trainers:

1. Have you asked the people you are leading how you are doing lately? What are some ways to raise this question in a professional, yet relaxed manner?

2. What are some actions that show that a leader has an “inborn fondness for the complete well-being of the people they are called to lead?”

3. What are some ways to build trust within a team?

4. What are some antagonistic qualities of group members that result in team mistrust?

5. If you could add a 7th Simple Leadership Truth, what would it be?

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