This is my 100
th post on the Personal Leadership Insight blog. Wow! Since starting this blog I have seen the birth of my second beautiful daughter, sold our house in anticipation of building our
dream home, and drowned my beloved video
iPod in a sad pool of rain water. So, in recognition of the 100
th post, here are the 100 ways you know you are a leader...
You know you were a leader today if you...
1. Were thinking more about others than yourself
2. Invested time influencing others
3. Made someone smile today
4. Made someone smile yesterday
5. Made plans for making someone smile tomorrow
6. Solved a problem
7. Solved a problem for someone else
8. Wrote down a dream and turned it into a goal
9. Did one thing today to move you closer to your goal
10. Acted in accordance to your values
11. Helped someone else live up to their values
12. Didn't force your values on someone else
13. Created something new
14. Improved something old
15. Overcame your fear
16. Did something even though it wasn't your job
17. Made a smart choice
18. Reversed a bad choice
19. Learned from a mistake
20. Helped someone without letting them know
21. Took personal responsibility today
22. Learned a new skill
23. Made a small adjustment to reach a goal
24. Practiced patience
25. Did something you loved to do today
26. Helped someone else do what they love to do
27. Took time to think about your strengths
28. Engaged your strengths
29. Took time to NOT think about your weaknesses
30. Stopped doing something that made you weak
31. Thought about how you could improve your work environment
32. Acted on that thought
33. Thought about how you could improve your home environment
34. Acted on that thought
35. Thought about how you could improve your community
36. Acted on that thought
37. Recognized the challenges in front of you
38. Decided to spend more time discovering the solutions to those challenges
39. Recognized the negative side of something
40. Decided to focus on the positive
41. Held your tongue
42. Didn't complain when everyone else was complaining
43. Didn't complain about others complaining
44. Made time for play
45. Made time to reflect
46. Made time to laugh
47. Made time to learn something new
48. Made time to read
49. Made time to think
50. Made time to pray
51. Encouraged a stranger
52. Encouraged a friend
53. Called someone you hadn't talked to in a year
54. Talked with a parent
55. Listened to your parents
56. Talked with your children
57. Listened to your children
58. Talked with your spouse
59. Listened to your spouse
60. Followed up with someone you met yesterday
61. Said thank you
62. Said please
63. Said no to something you knew you couldn't do
64. Said no to something you know you couldn't do great
65. Stopped doing something you weren't doing great
66. Made eye contact with someone important to you
67. Made eye contact with a stranger in conversation
68. Prepared before a talk
69. Asked questions before a presentation
70. Asked questions during a presentation
71. Asked questions after a presentation
72. Used specific language during a talk
73. Used simple language during a talk
74. Used visual language during a talk
75. Helped others close the gap between what they knew and what they didn't know
76. Turned your anxiety into enthusiasm by simply thinking about it differently
77. Listened actively
78. Spoke with respect
79. Played politics the right way
80. Worked hard
81. Listened to great music
82. Watched and learned from a child
83. Stopped doing something that you knew was hurting your integrity
84. Rebuilt trust with others
85. Cancelled a meeting that you knew was a waste of time
86. Called your mentor and chatted
87. Mentored someone else
88. Were totally authentic
89. Did the most important things on your to do list first
90. Did the most difficult things on your to do list first
91. Cleaned out your inbox
92. Called someone back sooner rather than later
93. Called your mother
94. Made the connection between being a leader and a being a good person
95. Forwarded this list to three important leaders
96. Saved this list to read again next month
97. Read John Maxwell or Malcom Gladwell or Seth Godin or Zig Ziglar or the Bible or Dale Carnegie or Brian Tracy or Jefferey Gitomer or Harvey MacKay or Stephen Covey or Norman Vincent Peale or Tom Peters or Max DePree or Marshall Goldsmith or Marcus Buckingham or Ken Blanchard or your favorite author(s)
98. Thought about yourself as a leader
99. Acted upon that thought
100. Made today a story you can be proud of