
Skill Assessment: The Dirty Little Secret of Big Performers

Think of three wildly successful individuals in three significantly different fields...


Think very specifically about why your brain connects the concept of "successful" with each person...

? ? ?

Think about the nature of these characteristics. Do you perceive them to be in the skills, talents, or attitudes category....

Skills Talents Attitudes

Chances are your big performer A, B and C had very different reasons why they are successful and chances are almost as good those "success attributes" fall under different categories. The lesson here is that successful people seem to be very unique in terms of how and why they are high achievers...

The dirty little secret of big performers is they do have two very important "somethings" in common.


Regardless of industry, position, personality, market conditions, expertise, training, talent, skill or attitude, big performers are willing to do the small, non-sexy, gritty, "down in the trenches" tasks the average or under performers either don't want to do or don't think they should have to do. Big performers are in a never-ending battle with entitlement.


Big performers don't see themselves as "big performers." They see themselves as growing performers. They are constantly getting better, learning, stretching, risking, pursuing and running. Big performers are in a never-ending battle with complacency.

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