I get asked often, "What books do you read to stay current on leadership concepts and presentation techniques?" Honestly, most of my reading over the past few years has been and will continue to be the 150+ blogs I read daily (Download my subscriptions here - learn more about OPML files here), as well as books via my Kindle for iPhone. However, the collection listed below is from the previous 20+ years of reading for feeding the brain...
These are pictures of the library in my office. If you click on any image, a larger version will open. I have included my favorites for each image...
These are all favorites. Seth Godin is always a classic read.
Story Factor, Annette Simmons
See You At The Top, Zig Ziglar
Managing the Nonprofit Organization, Peter Drucker
All of the Marcus Buckingham books
All of the Mark Reardon books
YOGOWYPI Facor, Bill Cordes
Leadership is an Art, Max DePree
How to Win Friends And Influence People, Dale Carnegie
How to Become a Great Boss, Jeffrey Fox
Speak and Grow Rich, Dottie/Lillie Walters
The Element, Ken Robinson
Brain Rules, John Medina
See You at the Top, Zig Ziglar
My Fast Company library dating back to 2002.
Elements of Style, Strunk and White
Switch, Chip and Dan Heath
The Art of Manliness, McKay
Slide:ology, Nancy Duarte
Quantum Teaching, DePorter
The Traveler's Gift, Andy Andrews
Work Hard, Be Nice, Mathews
Children Learn What They Live, Dorothy Law Nolte
The Man Who Was President for a Day, Andrew McCrea
Raising Positive Kids in a Negative World, Zig Ziglar
The Wealthy Speaker, Jane Atkinson
Remarkable Leadership, Kevin Eikenberry
Presentation Zen Design, Garr Reynolds
Bob Hope: My Life in Jokes, Bob Hope
This blog has been written since 2007 by Rhett Laubach, professional speaker, leadership expert, owner of YourNextSpeaker, LLC and Co-Founder of PLI, Inc. Ryan Underwood, CEO of TRI Leadership, LLC and Co-Founder of PLI, Inc., is a contributing author. The purpose of this writing is to help you develop leadership and life skills.
Emotional Maturity: The Spirit Circle
Your best leadership is done with a spirit of enthusiasm, servanthood, kindness and energy. Spirit means these characteristics are a part of you totally. They define who you are and are not changed by the conditions or people around you.
The Spirit Circle is a simple concept designed to demonstrate how talented leaders live a high-quality life and make a difference in the world.
Your spirit drives your attitude.
Your attitude feeds your effort.
Your effort creates your results.
Your results feed your spirit.
Great leaders live by certain metrics, rules and codes for each of the four (servant spirit, positive attitude, tireless effort, excellent results, etc.), but the fact that each of the four are dependent on the other three is the critical lesson.
The secret to getting your leadership in gear using the Spirit Circle is that you can begin anywhere. Start by improving your attitude about something or someone. Give more or better effort. View your current results in a new light from a better perspective or set your sights on more meaningful results for the future. Any of these actions will begin a chain of reactions leading to an improvement and refinement of your spirit.
Choose to be a spirited leader today.
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