
Skill Assessment: The Cult of Cultivation

As a leader for your organization/company/school, I challenge you to think about this question...

"How am I developing in others a passion for growth and excellence with what really matters?"

I have a new program series called the Cult of Cultivation that is designed to give you the eight "what really matters" training areas you should be purposeful about growing in others and ideas on how to do it.  These programs inspire an enthusiasm for growing a state of excellence for each topic area. The eight areas are:
  1. Attitude Cultivation  
  2. Culture Cultivation
  3. Creativity Cultivation
  4. Presentation Cultivation
  5. Service Cultivation 
  6. Stress Cultivation
  7. Team Cultivation
  8. Time Cultivation

Keep checking back over the next few weeks to learn more about how to cultivate properly in each of these areas. 

Cult - An interest followed with exaggerated zeal. 
Cultivate - Foster the growth of. 
Cultivation - A highly developed state of perfection; having a flawless or impeccable quality.  

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